Monday, May 11, 2009

A Mission to Rescue a Space Telescope - Hubble

A Must Read Article that discusses this Global Issue!

Link to the article:

A relevant video:

What is a Hubble? What so special about Hubble?
Hubble refers to the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and is named after an astronomer, Edwin P. Hubble. This Space Telescope was launched on April 24th 2009, so that means, Hubble has already been in space for nearly two decade. But what is Hubble doing in space?

Hubble has helped a lot discovering new knowledge that we don't know about the universe and Hubble gives us a closest look outside in space and has brought back more than 500,000 images. Hubble is taking a lot of images of this wonderful universe for us, let me show you some!

What happened to Hubble?
Well, it happens to every one of us, when we get old, we need some younger people to take care of us, just like Hubble. Hubble been in space for two decades orbiting Earth and observing something that we can't reach and now Hubble is old, Hubble needs someone to fix something, or else...

Hubble's system that commands the instrument and transmits data to Earth is not functioning correctly, so National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is planning to send a shuttle crew form by seven astronauts to save/repair/fix Hubble.

How will the crew fix the problem?
The crew will replays the old instrument with three other instruments and two will be inactive. And they will replace other components so that ensures Hubble functions normally until 2014. And the mission will take place during May.

Their is a major risk for the crew because there aren't any space station near where the mission take place, so of any thing happens, NASA will have to send a second space shuttle in space to rescue the crew.

My Reflection
This event will not affect me directly. I wrote this event because I think that we all should know about this event. It is just so fascinating that we can send satellites and space telescopes into space and observe it and it is just so wonderful on the discoveries made by them.


  1. Thanks for sharing this piece of information. Before reading your article, I've never heard of HUBBLE, no idea of what it is!

  2. We should have responsibility to do something to fix or remove this Hubble from the space. We can't leave it out there. I agree with you that Hubble has brought many new discovery to us. We should acknowledge its contribution and take care it. We can't throw trash on our earth, now, leave trash to our space, again. Good to share with us. Look forward to see more articles from you.

  3. Hi Ryan, if you read my book "The Big Bang", you will know more about Hubble and the space. Hubble let us know more about the inner space, the world far far far away from us, and how the Universe work. The book also tell you Albert Einstein try to describe the whole Universe by one single, simple and beautful formula. The Universe is so big and our World is so small and we all are so tiny. I hope through more and more readings, you can find so way to save our World as human activities are hurting it, destroying the environment. I am expecting more interesting new from your blog. Love you very much. Daddy
