Sunday, May 24, 2009

Final Reflection Task

* As you start to mature, how are your views about the world changing?
* Do you care about current event? Why or why not?
* Should you care? Why or why not?
* Do you think your feelings and thoughts about currents will change as you grow older?

I think that we have to be aware of everything that happens around us or to us. I think that the more we know about the world, the more we will know about ourselves. I think it is normal that the world would change overtime and the world keeps on changing.

I absolutely care about current events, they are just special. Some of the events are interesting, some are funny, some are educational, some are tragedies, and some are...... If you know more, you will get more from it.

We should all care about the current events. That's because we aren't kids anymore and we shouldn't be that naive and shallow, you have to learn and know what's happening.

Me feelings and thoughts towards current events will change when I grow older, I'll be more mature than I am now, so that means, I will think differently as a person/thinker when I know more things. I think I will change overtime.

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