Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Darwinius masillae Discovered in Germany

Must Read! Global Issue!

The Link to the article:

The Link to a relevant video:

What is Darwinius masillae?
Darwinius masillae is a primate fossil.

Here is a personal profile of this primate fossil:

Name: Darwinius masillae (nice name!)
Nickname: Ida (nice nickname!)
Age of Fossil: 47 million years old (so old...)
Age of Death: About a Month (poor thing)
Size: Approximately 2 feet long, Small cat-sized (just like the size of my dog!)
Year Discovered: 1983
Place Discovered: Messel Pit, Germany (I think it's near Frankfurt......)

This primate fossil is formally named Darwinius masillae and the reason is to honor the anniversary of Charles Darwin's 200th birthday. Charles Darwin discovered a theory of evolution, so it is highly related to this primate fossil as this fossil may be our great-great-great-great-great grandmother or our great-great-great-great-great aunt, one word for that, our ancient ancestor.

Any Impact?
No, there isn't any serious impact, but there will be knowledge and understanding being discovered during this event, for example, we will know ourselves better as a human being after discovering something that may be our past, and we understand ourselves better. And that is the knowledge and understanding of ourselves. This affect would be a long term, and may last forever...

This event will affect all of us directly, we can know more about the past or our past after discovering buried fossils. This article drew my interest because I think I should tell you all that this may or may not be our past, but this discovery is still very interesting. I think we should pay more attention on the discoveries around us and learn from that.


  1. Hi Ryan,
    I like your cool picture.

  2. You can even see her fur and the contents of her stomach. How amazing! Do you think this will help us to understand our own development as a species? And, if so, is this important

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
