Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Local Breaking News: Mexican jet to pick up 10 people in Hong Kong

Local Breaking News

Here is the link to the Article 'Mexican jet to pick up 10 people in Hong Kong'
Date: 6th May 2009 (Wednesday)

What Happened? Who was involved? When did it take place? Where did it take place? Why did it happen? And what are the consequences of this event?
A Mexican jet is currently stopping at four places in China, including: Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Guangzhou. And the mission is to pick up Mexican people that in each places, because of the strict measurements made to the newest disease, Swine Flu. Involving 10 people in Hong Kong.

All the flights from mainland China and to Mexico during the weekend, will all be suspended. So all the tourists are Stuck in both places, and will remain there, TRAPPED!

How many people are involved? What will the impact be on the people involved? Will the impact be the same for everyone or will it affect different people differently? Is it Long or Short term?
There are about 200 Mexicans involved and they are stuck in the places that they are currently in for at least a few days. If they are being suspected of having H1N1 (Swine Flu) in Hong Kong, mostly Mexicans, because the disease started there, you'll have to stay in your hotel and some mask medical staff in protective suits will transfer them to about 30 ambulances and will send them to the airport.

My Reflection
This Local will not affect me directly, but I still have to be cautious and stay happy and healthy, in order to prevent any illnesses, so I won't be likely have this disease. And I think I will eat more healthily and do more exercises, and mostly, be very hygienic, I will always wash me hands too!

I'm very interested in this event and I post is, because I think everyone should know this and be aware of it. I think we should all be more careful.

I also think that the Hong Kong Government has overreacted and is acting over the limit. I think of course, they should be careful with any suspicions, but I think the Mexicans are mostly 100% healthy and has no sign of having H1N1, and they have just been kicked of of their hotels and have to go directly home. I think this is not fair for them and they don't really deserve to be treated like that, don't they? I mean, they are all fine and I don't see the point of doing that!

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